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Nebula Phantom Conflict

How it Began...




The human race has set out to explore the stars. In the early years of discovery many mysteries confronted these first pioneers of the cosmos.

Rich with promise stands the Omega Nebula. Initial scans show vast quantities of valuable metals and other rare elements. But we are not the only ones interested in this bit of space.

Entire survey fleets that have ventured into the interior of the nebula have never returned. The fragmented transmissions that do escape the ionic interference report an invisible enemy, an enemy whose ships are undetectable by all available instrumentation.

Worse still the signal degradation inside the nebula makes it impossible to coordinate a fleet attack. It is just as likely to be fired upon by a friendly ship as it is to hit this unseen enemy.

Due to the radioactive composition of this nebula obtaining a weapon lock using conventional sensors is impossible. It also interferes with the tactical systems themselves rendering some ships weapons inoperable for a time. This makes it difficult to coordinate a complete fleet salvo. Thus the number of successful shots fired in any given volley is effectively random.

Not all is against us...

The debris fields surrounding the nebula are littered with the remnants of past battles. In the wreckage we have managed to salvage advanced weapons and an alien saucer with plasma technology.

With these enhancements and a little luck the human race may yet claim victory in this phantom conflict.

Truly Cloaked Warfare
All ships can deploy with six possible orientations on the grid. If a player uses the Cargo Module or Scout Ship then the configuration of each vessel is further customized by that player.

Turn Based Declaration
This system allows a player to attack a sector of his own ship if there is a chance to hit another player’s ship. If the attacking player scores a hit on another player, then he does not need to announce that his ship own ship has taken damage, adding to the mystery when other players are trying to look for familiar silhouettes in the remaining sectors.


Nebula Phantom Conflict is the prequel to the events of Nebula Aftermath. This expansion adds: new fleet placement rules and strategy, the Turn Based Declaration System, a deck of 20 custom fleet cards and 2 new card types, the Scout Ship and the Cargo Module.

This expansion is intended for more advanced players already familiar with the Nebula Aftermath system. Players will write the coordinates of each ship onto their fleet cards. As ships take damage an X will indicate which section has been hit.

In order to use this expansion a copy of Nebula Aftermath must be obtained first.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date December 31, 2014
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Total Fleet Deployment Control
  • Truly Cloaked Warfare
  • Turn Based Declaration System

John Salo Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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