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Ugh, Another Stupid Zombie Game...




Can you hear the groans? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just the collective gaming community every time another zombie game shows up.
This zombie craze seems harder to kill than the ones from Return of the Living Dead.
In addition to all the zombie movies and TV shows, we have zombie walks, zombie bumper stickers, zombie hunting permits, and even zombie themed hand tools that we're supposed to use in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse.
At this point, I'm fully expecting to see a zombie themed cereal in the grocery aisle (with crunchy zombie heads and marshmallow brains).
So of course this zombie craze has also infected games, both video and tabletop. I feel especially remorseful of contributing to this epidemic and am loathe to unleash another zombie game upon the world.
Honestly, I've probably gone more than a little overboard with the undead. All it takes is one look at my offerings on this site to see that my motto should be "What I lack in originality, I make up for in redundancy". The other day I was looking for a movie to watch with my family and chose Super 8 because I heard it was like a mixture of The Goonies and ET (with NO zombies). Still, my son let out a sigh and asked "Does it have zombies in it?" and I said "No..." If you've seen the movie, you know I was soon getting sidelong glances from the wife, the son, the two year old. I think I even caught the cat doing the slow head shake at me.
But I'm a horror fan, born of Halloween and scary movies, and it just translates to the games I concoct. I tinker with making games to relax and If I tried designing cutesy little non-spooky games, I'd be the one groaning.
That being said, the annoyance of many other gamers by this phenomenon is not lost on me. Especially as they must endure the constant horde of undead games- each claiming to be one of the few zombie games that do not suck.
Is this game one of those few? Nope. Probably not. It's just a card version of cell phone games like Into the Dead. If you've played that game, you know what to expect here. Actually, the cell phone game is free, so why even bother spending money on a card version?
Do you really need another zombie game?
Isn't there already enough zombie stuff out there?
Seriously, why are you even reading this? Especially if you're one of the many people who's sick of this whole zombie scene.
I guess it just goes to show how infectious this craze has become.
It's humorous to imagine an actual Zombie Apocalypse occurring and having future survivors look back on our society at the time. It would be like digging through Pompeii and finding a bunch of games about volcanic eruptions.
So, if you can't help yourself, feel free to give Necrotic a try. But don't say I didn't warn you.....


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 03, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Necrotic Is A Quick, Zombie Dodging, Solitaire Card Game....
  • Zombies Are Cool, And Who Doesn't Need Another Zombie Game?
  • Nothing Says "Cutting Edge" Like A Zombie Themed Game


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