A game to challenge memory skills and a teaching tool to help remember Bible stories. The game consists of distinctive art work portraying stories of: Jesus’s birth; the shepherds; the Magi; John the Baptist; Jesus’s temptation; the call of His disciples; His miracles; the Prodigal son; the Good Samaritan; the Last Supper; Jesus’s arrest and trails; His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection; the Great Commission; Pentecost; the church; Saul’s conversion; the Epistles; John’s revelation on Patmos; the judgement; the New Jerusalem; Alpha and Omega. Each card is numbered. Key cards are included and include a Bible story title a verse reference to find the verses that tell the story pertaining to the card. A fun and unique way to learn the books and stories of the Bible. The game is a great compliment to lessons taught in Sunday school classes, Bible Clubs, Awana clubs, etc.
Directions: Place as many cards face down as desired. First player gets a turn. A turn consists of flipping two cards face up. If they match, they get to keep cards and take another turn. If not matched, cards are turned face down again. And next player does the same until all the card are matched. The player with the most matches wins!
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 1 reviews |
Publish Date | February 24, 2023 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |