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Night Owl

Roll and Write as an Owl!




Night Owl is our latest roll and write about being a fledging owl, or Owlet. As an owlet, you've been used to your parents bringing you food, but now you're ready to enhance your traits and begin hunting in the forest at night all on your own. Players earn points for each prey animal they hunt in majority scoring, set scoring, and individual scoring as well as points for each trait they have enhanced.

Night Owl is a print and play game, meaning you will receive the printable files for the game. This includes a shared game sheet and standees. Players will need to bring 3 six-sided dice for each player and a writing utensil for each player.

The game is played in two phase: Day and Night.

In the Day phase, players will roll their dice and if they choose, use the die values to enhance their traits. Players can discard one of their dice to set the remaining unused dice to any values.

In the NIght phase, players will use any remaining dice to hunt prey animals in the forest. Players will use their die value to move on the shared forest map. Player's traits will be assessed to determine if their hunt was successful.

Players will also gain dice manipulation actions each time they gain a certain number of each prey animal.

Players will find plenty of challenge on the shared map as the player with the lowest dice total value each turn is the starting player allowing them first pick in a shared space.



Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date May 22, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Owls
  • dice rolling
  • trait enhancement

Benny Sperling

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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