Bid to get the good projects for your city, and to keep out the bad ones! NOTE: no rules included
NIMBY is a card game for two to six players. Each player is in charge of a rapidly growing city, and is trying to make theirs the most valuable one. Players bid against each other to determine who has to build which project. Some projects provide lots of value to their city (tax revenue, jobs, acclaim, etc.), but others nobody wants. By choosing high-value projects, finding good synergies, and avoiding problematic placements - keeping Factories from neighboring Gated Communities, for example - players improve their city and compete to win the game.
NOTE: this is a bare-bones version of the game. It does NOT include, for example, the rules. Currently it is being published so the people who created the game can get copies. At some point a rule booklet will also be included and the name and descriptions will be updated to reflect that change.