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As useful as catching a fly in chopsticks!




Ninjistics is a fun family-friendly game of stupid human tricks. Each player is a ninja in training to become a master ninja. In order to prove that you are a master ninja you must complete a series of challenges ranging from reading minds to feats of stunning acrobatics.

You need no special skills or knowledge to play Ninjistics. In addition, you are at no more advantage or disadvantage based upon your age or physical state. Challenges range from being able to predicting the outcome of a dice roll to being able to rub your belly and pat your head at the same time. There are 36 challenges in all, but in a typical game you usually only need to complete 5 or 6 to win.


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date July 22, 2011
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Watch your friends make fools of themselves.
  • Kids have a big advantage over adults.
  • Can you become a master ninja?

The Game Crafter, LLC

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