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Nova Regula Expansion Set

Players take turns playing cards. Some cards give points; other cards change the rules of the game!




Nova Regula is a classic card game with one twist - the rules are always changing. Players take turns playing cards into the pot. If you can't play a regular card, play an event card instead. Some event cards change the rules, but beware - the change may not be in your favor!

Includes a custom deck of 52 classic playing cards, 6 Wild cards, 20 Event cards, and 30 Rules cards to add to your games of Nova Regula.

UPC: 796115925504

Note: This is not a stand-alone game. Requires a copy of Nova Regula to play.


Component Quantity Photo
Poker Deck 1 deck of 78 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 30 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Tuck Box (108 cards) 1 Poker Tuck Box (108 cards) component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date July 24, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
More Info Nova Regula Expansion Set web site

Why buy this?

  • Basic game rules are always changing!
  • Familiar rules make Nova Regula easy to learn!
  • Adds 4 more custom suits of playing cards to your games!

Artistic Imposter Design

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.

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