Give, Roll, and Take dice to create as many groups of odds as you can!
Rules Video
Roll the Dice
Players roll all the dice they have in their collection.
Play your Actions
Each player has three action dice for the entire game. These allow players to Take or Give other players Value Dice or Re-roll their own Value Dice. Players choose 2 of the 3 actions they rolled each round.
Go for the Odds
Players score points with their Value Dice. For example; an odd number of 1 Dice will score 1 point, but given or rolled another 1 Dice makes it an even amount of dice, and they get 0 points. Each number counts towards your points each round, so go for an odd group of 1s, 2s, and 3s. Having the most dice of each number score bonus points too. Action Dice will swap Value dice amongst players, and carry over into the next round.
Expand your Game
Each copy of Odds Only allows another 2 players in the game. With more players comes more options to swap dice with, and bonus points to compete with. Recommended up to 6 players, but you could technically have as many as you want.