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Pantheon Clash Zeus deck logo
Pantheon Clash Zeus deck logo

Pantheon Clash Zeus deck

A deck built for heavy swings and hard points for your opponent to take




This deck includes 4x Zeus 4x Aegis 4x Amulet of the soul 4x Asgard 4x Triple prayer card 4x Double prayer card 4x cornucopia 4x Hades 2x Draupnir 3x Horus 2x Hati 2x Skoll 3x Jotunheim 1x Julius ceaser 3x King Tut 1x Loki 1x Medusa 10x Basic prayer card

Every player shuffles there deck of 60 cards (players cant have more then 4 of same name cards in the deck excluding basic prayer cards which you can have unlimtied in your deck) After each player shuffles there deck the place the card face down and draw 6 cards and set the points to 0 Ways to win: Gain 50 points by destroying your opponents creatures, Monsters, Commanders, and Gods/Goddesses or other means or your opponent runs out of cards Flip a coin to see who goes first Everyturn you draw one card you cant have more then 12 cards in you hand if you end up with 13 or more in the draw for turn your opponent gain 5 points On your turn you may play one prayer card any amount of artifact cards summon gods and creatures Play goes on till on player wins Points are the combination of your opponents summon and cost on the card you destroy during that turn


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 05, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

I Mean who doesn't love zeus this deck is very fun and i bet you will enjoy it

  • The god zeus is the main front in this deck
  • Cards that are hard to find can be found in here
  • Open this set and jump right in to the fast paced card game

Holliplayer_YT's Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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