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Patient Zero

Battling infected for strain supremacy!




(BUYERS PLEASE NOTE: game rules are not included at this time, they will be ready VERY shortly - next week or so. You can contact to receive PDF of rules when they are ready)


This game involves up to four players each with a "patient zero" that moves throughout the corporate office infecting co-workers with his strain of a virus. Infected become your zombie minions. You do battle until the last strain stands victorious. Use of tokens for players and zombies, dice for combat, and a series of cards that affect attacks, number of opponents, heal units, change die rolls, and more!


Today started like any other day... at least what you can remember of it. So much of that seems of little importance anymore. As you go through the changes more and more of your thoughts become smokey, half-memories that cloud your thoughts before drifting away completely. Still you remember a little.

You had been working at the company for a few years now, just a low-level exec, but you had hopes, and it seemed like your luck was about to change. Out of the blue you were ordered to do a personnel audit of one of the company's branch offices. You had never heard of this subsidiary before, but this was a big step so you were determined to do a good job. It seemed to have it's perks. Free health care for one. Odd that your superiors insisted you get a check up before going to the new job. They even gave you a flu shot. Was it supposed to glow like that? You forget. It gets kind of foggy from there on. You remember being dropped off at the remote office building by one of the company vans and you went in to work.

The offices looked busy and efficient. Everyone was doing their job and didn't seem to take too much notice of you. Just as well. You felt a little queasy and your head began to pound. Slipping off to the bathroom you splashed water on your face, trying to feel better. After a few minutes you did begin to feel alright so you stepped out into the hall. A pretty young secretary walked by and smiled at you. You smiled back, watching her walk away. You caught a whiff of her perfume. No, not perfume, you smelled her and she smelled.... delicious! All around you everyone was distracting your senses. Everyone had the smell of prey, and a deep hunger was welling up within you. All of them. All of them would be yours. Suddenly you detected other scents in the air. Somewhere in the building were others. Others like you. Rivals. They were after your herd of humans. They would try to take them from you. You have to stop them. You'll fight them but you'll need help. You'll need an army. You follow the secretary into an office and close the door. A muffled scream later and she staggers to the door. The serum that changed you now infects her. Your first recruit.

Every so often the military it needs a new weapon and turns to Science to provide one. This time it wasn't a new bomb or missile or some hi-tech aircraft. This time they wanted a bioweapon. Something to spread terror and to turn the enemy's very people against them. Still, the military wanted the paradox of the best weapon they could get and the cheapest, so they opened the problem up to four different biotech companies. For the past two years each worked in secret trying to perfect a serum to bring the military's enemies to their knees. Finally it was testing day.

A small company was selected of little importance, something well within the specifications for 'acceptable collateral damage'. It would be the location of the test and this time the military was making a competition out of it. The four biotech firms would send in one unit, their Patient Zero, to infect the building all at once. The Patient that could infect enough people to wipe out the other competing serums would be declared the winner and that company would win the bioweapons contract. Let the games begin.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 21, 2010
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Combo of cards and tactical board movement!
  • Watch the battles turn and twist with card upon card play!
  • Only one strain will be the winner - will it be yours?


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