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The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.


The Victorian Courtship game of deduction, catfishing, and conceding power





This game presents marriage and independence as win/lose scenarios, and suggests relationships with potentially unhealthy power dynamics.

Finding the One

You’ve recently met some eligible suitors, full of potential wealth, standing, and passion. You’ve detailed your desires in your diary, and now you must discern who meets your needs by reading the trait cards they mail you.

Your cards describe actions, but only the players you court will perform them. Each round, you share a card with a player, and they’ll choose which of your cards to leverage. When you find the one, send them your ring! They must reciprocate for you two to become engaged, so you must persuade them you’re compatible with their desires!

Eco-Friendly Prototype Version

Transparent standard playing card sleeves greatly enhance the experience of this game, but are not included! This version forgoes them to reduce the amount of plastic used, it is recommended you provide some you already have. The game is otherwise still playable by keeping the stamps with the cards during play.

This version of the game is lacking artwork! It is my hope to one day publish this game properly with artwork on each card, preferably by a black or indigenous queer artist. If you know anyone who is particularly good at capturing the Victorian aesthetic please let me know!

Try it for free!

You can find a print and play of the game here!

Persuasion by Xoe (She/Her)

Or you can play it for free online here!

Persuasion | XoeAllred |

Thank you so much for your interest!

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Component Quantity Photo
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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date May 05, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Persuasion web site

Why buy this?

Here's the thing, 95% of the time when I play games, I would absolutely go for the solo win. But there's something emotional here, and I want us both to win together.

  • Share your features to give others power and info about you!
  • Semi-cooperatively find your match or independence!
  • Trick your friends into a one sided marriage :0


  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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