This deck, hosted by Dinosaurs Unearthed, is the first available "dinosaur" STARTER deck. It includes a variety of organisms that roamed the Earth during the Jurassic Period. Note the game has been play tested for kids 7 and up.
Play the ecosystem game, collect the cards, and contribute to the project!
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PHYLO is a project that began as a reaction to the following nugget of information: Kids know more about Pokemon creatures than they do about real creatures.
PHYLO is also: (1) a card game that makes use of the wonderful, complex, and inspiring things that inform the notion of biodiversity; (2) an exercise in crowd sourcing, open access, and open game development; and (3) FREAKIN’ AWESOME!
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* This is a revenue neutral product, meaning that no profits are made.
Dinosaurs Unearthed | The World's Most Exciting Dinosaur Exhibition []