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Pile o' Bones

You've All Made a Grave Mistake...




You and your associates have been given the task of moving the remains of four families from the local cemetery to a new one, but due to laziness, incompetence, and a general lack of morals, the contents have “shifted” during shipping and you’re left with a big pile o’ bones.

The families’ living relatives have agreed not to press charges against the first person to sort and put to rest the bones of one entire family. Of course, being an unscrupulous lot, you’ve agreed that “mostly right” is good enough…

Pile o' Bones is a simple yet deep family card game where each player is trying to put their family of four to rest.

A player only needs to own a majority of the bones in a completed skeleton to claim it. Players may draw new bones randomly from the bone pile hoping to get what they need or they may strategically break apart and move a partially constructed skeleton.

Once a skeleton is completed, whoever owns the majority of the bones claims it as one of their family's members and puts them to rest.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 12, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Pile o' Bones web site

Why buy this?

  • Over 4000 Unique Skeleton Combinations!
  • Simple Yet Deep Gameplay!
  • Language Independent!

Joshua Conroy

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