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Pirate Pursuit – The King's Pardon

Can ye get out alive? With yer treasure too? Or will it be a short drop & a sudden stop!




This game is the standalone, cards-only version of Pirate Pursuit – The King’s Pardon, the second in our series of games where you learn real pirate lore while you play!

What's the Game?

A short life but a merry one! That’s the pirate way!

But a few did get out alive, and with their treasure too! Can ye do it? Will ye head fer shore before yer doom befalls ye? Or perhaps the call of all that gold and silver is just too strong fer ye to heel about.

Pirate Pursuit – The King’s Pardon is a push-yer-luck card game for 2–6 players where, from time to time, yer famous pirates will be offered the King’s Pardon. Some may grab it quick and retire with their treasure hoard. Others might resist, sailing back out for just one more prize!

Capture as many Pirate Lore cards as ye dare before accepting the King’s Pardon. But, if yer doom catches up with ye first, then too bad; ye can’t take it with ye!

How Does it Work?

Players choose from eight famous pirates and then take turns asking each other questions about real pirate lore! Answer right and yer pirate adds the card to their treasure hoard.

But Avast & Beware!

Not all cards are so benign. Draw yer pirate’s doom card and they’re off to join Davy Jones along with any lore they’ve collected. But don’t worry – while there's still another famous pirate for ye to choose, ye get to keep playing!

A Lucky Few Get Pardons Too!

Draw one of the King’s Pardon cards and ye have a choice to make: retire with what ye’ve got, or go back out to take more prizes in hopes that pardon wasn’t the last ye would see! If ye chose to retire, then pick another famous pirate and keep growing yer wealth of knowledge!

The End of an Age!

When all the pardons are gone or there is no famous pirate left collecting lore, then it's time to tally the score. Yer pirate lore is yer wealth, and there's bonus points to be had fer Pirate Lore cards related to yer famous pirates! So count carefully!

Three Degrees of Pirate Lore!

The questions about pirate lore are organized into three levels of difficulty...

Quick Start Options fer New Swabs!

Be sure to give any landlubbers a helping hand! No one knows all the riggin' on the first day!

Expect to build yer knowledge over time! Each game will increase a player’s knowledge of pirate lore fer next time!

Cut the deck in half! Take out the Captain's Lore! Give 'em a chance to read over some of the cards before the game, or a second chance if they get an answer wrong!

Up the Challenge fer the Old Salts!

Once yer familiar with the basics of the game and yer knowledge of pirate lore is growing, ye may increase the challenge by employing any of these optional rules!

Who’s it For?

Pirate Pursuit – The King’s Pardon is a family-friendly game filled with educational content related to infamous people, historical events, world geography, and naval vocabulary from the time of the first Spanish Treasure Fleets to the end of the Golden Age of Pirates.

What’s Included?

Pirate Pursuit – The King’s Pardon includes the following components:

  • Small Stout Game Box
  • 72 Pirate Lore Cards (base) *
  • 32 Pirate Lore Cards (new)
  • 8 Famous Pirate Cards
  • 8 Pirate’s Doom Cards
  • 6 King’s Pardon Cards
  • 1 Rules Booklet
* This game includes the base Pirate Lore cards from Pirate Pursuit – The Spanish Treasure Fleet.

* If you already have The Spanish Treasure Fleet then you can get just the new cards from The King's Pardon here: Pirate Pursuit – The King’s Pardon – No Box Expansion

Strong believers in learning through play, designs games and activities that make learning fun at home and in the classroom. Check out our website and the additional games and activities you can find there. Visit for printables, activities and more games.


Component Quantity Photo
Medium Booklet 1 Medium Booklet component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 54 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 72 cards Poker Deck component icon
Small Stout Box 1 Small Stout Box component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date September 18, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
More Info Pirate Pursuit – The King's Pardon web site

Why buy this?

  • Pirates of course!
  • Learn real pirate lore while you play!
  • Knowledge is wealth! Push-yer-luck to collect the most!

Games by PlayGames2Learn

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.

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