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Pixie Dust Signature Cards

Pixie Dust Signature Cards for collecting character signatures.




Finally! A truly great answer to “how will we get signatures?” on your next character filled vacation!

Specifically designed:

 For use with large markers and sharpies, the suggested pen
for costumed characters, to prevent bleeding and ruining
opposite sides

 With a large signature area, allowing characters to use their
“special” signatures with little doodles or flourishes, there’s
plenty of room for both

 With two separate lined sections on the back, a smaller
information section for names, dates, and places, and a
larger side that is ideal for later adding thoughts about the

 To allow the attachment of a photograph up to 4x6 inches,
the larger lined section is sized perfectly to fit a photo using
double sided tape or photo corners

 To fit in panoramic photo sleeves, pages, and frames,
allowing for the preservation and display of the signature,
information, and/or photo in many different configurations

Each pack comes with twenty 4x10 inch cards in ten different colors and includes a bonus character checklist. That means 2 of each color, which allows you to use two cards in an 8x10 frame for really special or significant signatures, with the information and a photograph visible.

The bonus checklist booklet is small enough to carry in a pocket or purse and an ideal way to keep track of which characters you got to see, photograph and get signatures from, since it has separate check boxes for each on all 309 possible character/outfit combinations that can be found on the Walt Disney World property.

The list is current as of June 2017, but the booklet includes several blank checklist pages… just in case!

Your cards will come in a zippered baggie, ready to toss into your park bag and head to the fun!


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date July 29, 2017
Department Self Improvement
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Each card has a lined back for easy, neat writing
  • 2 each of 10 different colors
  • Includes a current character/outfit checklist - 309 entries


  • This game does not come in a box.


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