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Playback logo
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A domino worker placement 2-4 player game about recording your favorite videos and watching it back.




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Playback is a strategy worker placement game for 2-4 players that plays in 30-60 minutes. This puzzley game designed by Corey Andalora and Donnie Coleman brings you an innovative use of dominoes for obtaining cards, creating overlapping sequences, and claiming arrangement goals.

There are so many things that you enjoy watching; from movies and sporting events to musical performances and family homemade videos. Get the most out of your VHS tapes to record all of your favorite memories and win the game!


Playback comes packed with an exciting blend of components along with fun doodle art to represent the programs you watch on your television.

The game centers around using dominoes as your workers, double-sided action cards that make every game unique, and transparent cards to bring you a whole new brand of recipe fulfillment.

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How to Play?

1. Draw your Tapes for the Round

You start the round with randomly drawing dominoes for your workers. Each round the number of dominoes you start with increases.


2. Play Tapes and Place Recordings

On your turn play a domino to an action. Match a number from the previously played domino and use the total of the domino you just placed to power it!


Play a previously recorded video to use its special ability. Use Power to trigger an ability in range and spend a player token. You only get 5 per round!


Record your favorite videos by taking cards from a market that you can later place into your personal tape folio. Use Power to pay for recordings. Placing a recording is a free action but costs player tokens.


Pause for a break and gain dice that allow you to manipulate your dominoes.


Rewind or Fast Forward your tape head to move it to the perfect position for your next recording. Use Power for movement distance.


Stop when you have slotted your shows the way you want and lock it up for scoring. These transparent cards overlay the recordings on your tape. Use Power for scoring points!


3. Eject your Tapes to Score

Clear your tape folio and score for all of the goals you've claimed as well as a round bonus! Be careful, though. If you left any static on the tape, you'll lose points!


4. Advance the Round

Clean up for the next round. Try to maintain control of the remote so you earn an extra 3 points. After the 3rd round the player with the most points wins!


Read the Rulebook

Go to the "Downloads" section to view the PDF!


Try Playback on Screentop

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Art purchased from Balabolka and Sundry Studio.

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Component Quantity Photo
Tarot Deck 1 deck of 10 cards Tarot Deck component icon
Custom Small Sticker 5 Custom Small Sticker component icon
Square Folio Set 1 set of 4 square folios Square Folio Set component icon
Medium Booklet 1 Medium Booklet component icon
Clear Euro Poker Deck 1 deck of 18 cards Clear Euro Poker Deck component icon
Mini Deck 1 deck of 64 cards Mini Deck component icon
VHS Box 1 VHS Box component icon
Chevron, 8mm, Blue 1 Chevron, 8mm, Blue component icon
Chevron, 8mm, Green 1 Chevron, 8mm, Green component icon
Chevron, 8mm, Red 1 Chevron, 8mm, Red component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date September 15, 2024
Edition First
Department Games

Why buy this?

  • Domino worker placement
  • Spacial puzzle card arrangement
  • Transparent goal overlays


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.

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