The Potioneers, those dabblers of drafts, vie for control of components, recipes, and customers in this noblest of trades. Each round begins by revealing a component and players use Currency Cards to win the trick. These components get added to their supply and can help them fulfill demands of the Potion Recipes which can, in turn, be sold to customers. Mechanically, it’s all very simple, yet solid.
Don’t believe me? Check out this video.
Of course if you’re new to Trick Taking, or just want to know how Potioneers tricks work, check out this video of five examples.
Of course I do need to take a moment to brag about what I feel is the best part of Potioneers, the artwork. All art assets were drawn, inked, and colored by hand to have this illustrated storybook look to it. Not only are the cards all unique sizes but they all feature this lavish artwork.
Potioneers is a game I’m truly proud of and hopefully you’ll be as impressed by it as I am.