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Pythagorean Tarot

A tarot based on the Pythagorean mysteries, Ancient Greek mythology, and alchemy




Twenty-seven hundred years ago the Pythagoreans formed an esoteric society, built upon the traditions of the Orphics, Babylonians, Phoenicians and Egyptians, among others. Their teaching and practices made a major contribution to other esoteric traditions, including Alchemy, Qabalah, Hermeticism and Gnosticism. The Pythagorean Tarot reconstructs a tarot such as the Pythagoreans might have used, had they known the tarot. It is based primarily on the archetypal numbers, which are central to Pythagorean philosophy, as well as on classical Pagan religion, mythology, magic and philosophy. In all cases the Pythagorean Tarot looks to the oldest historical records in an attempt to separate the archetypal numerological structure of the tarot from the accidents of its more recent history. In this way we can reconstruct a tarot compatible with ancient Pythagoreanism. The resulting Pythagorean Tarot illuminates deep patterns in mythology, the archetypes, Paganism, alchemy and numerology.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 30, 2024
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info Pythagorean Tarot web site

Why buy this?

  • Greek mythology and occult lore
  • Pythagorean numerology and esoteric philosophy
  • Jungian archetypes and alchemy


  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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