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Ray Gun Roulette

Disintegrate your friends!




Disintegrate your friends!

Ray Gun Roulette is a high tech, high stakes game of bluffing for 2 to 10 players. Players are participating in this deadly game to acquire as many crystals as they can. Choose from an assortment of highly illegal firearms and blast away until you're either the last player alive or you possess all the crystals!

Each player starts with two primary shields (blue gems) and three crystals (the currency of the game). If a player runs out of crystals they have lost the game. A primary shield can absorb one blast from one of these lethal firearms, if a player gets hit with just one of these weapons unshielded, they will get disintegrated, and lose the game. The weapon cards contain all the information needed to use them.

Each weapon, in addition to the illustration and weapon name, have a number of features,
-Kill-o-watt rating: the power rating of the weapon, if both players are targeting each other, the higher kill-o-watt weapon wins and damages their target.
-Deflector shield rating: some weapons have a built-in deflector shield. It can deflect a shot coming from a player that you are not targeting this round. If the kill-o-watt rating is less than or equal to the deflector shield rating (remember to multiply the deflector rating by 1,000 before comparing) the shot has no effect. Otherwise the shot goes through and can be absorbed by a primary shield or disintegrate the player.
-Special ability: each weapon has a unique special ability. Some of these can be particularly game-changing and devastating. Any player may negate the special ability of a weapon at the cost of one crystal (thrown into the pot for the current round), once per round, immediately after the effect would have taken place.

A round of Ray Gun Roulette has a number of phases,
-Choose weapons, dealer deals each player 3 cards, they choose one and discard the rest.
-Ante up!, each player places a crystal in the pot.
-Aim, players pick a target, making a "gun" hand pointing at them. This stage is when the bluffing really takes place, feel free to switch targets, intimidate, trash talk, and fold at any time.
-Last chance, Dealer declares "Last chance to fold, targets locked!". From this point on players cannot switch targets. Players may not fold once this phase has ended.
Fire!, all together players call out "3, 2, 1, FIRE!" and flip over their cards, revealing what weapons they were using.
-Determine winners, Determining the winner is simple; if you lost a primary shield this round or were disintegrated, you lost. Otherwise the player has won and will split the pot with the other winners. crystals that cannot be split evenly between the winners remain in the pot for the next round.
-Play continues until either one player has all the crystals or is the only one alive.

Being a POD game, I understand that these can cost a bit more than your normal game of this size available through traditional publishers. I make every effort to make each game a unique piece of playable art. I don't skimp or cut corners on quality of components. If I feel the game needs wooden pieces Or nice bags to hold it, I use them. While I have playtested these games, I still welcome any comments, suggestions, or criticisms concerning any of my works. I have many more game projects in the works and I'd love to hear from individuals that would be interested in a collaboration between artists or those interested with Kickstarters or publishing. For reviewers I don't mind loaning a copy for review, but I need the copy back within a reasonable timeframe, I cannot afford to send everyone remotely interested a free copy of my games.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date December 20, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Ray Guns
  • Bluffing
  • Fast game play

Jawmonkey Games

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