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Ready, Steady, Emote! logo
Not enough D6, 12mm, Transparent Black in stock.

Ready, Steady, Emote!

Space-based game where our astronauts have to collect emotional keycards to win!




Ready, Steady, Emote is a game where the players must travel the cosmos in search of emotional keycards. Once all the cards have been collected, return to the centre and you've won!

NOTE: This game works best for ages 5-11.

NOTE (again!): This game is up to 4 players if you intend that each player collects one of each card. However, it can go up to 6 players if you limit card collection.

Each player, with their rocket, take turns rolling the dice and moving along the course, in any direction they choose. The aim is to land on spaces that give you an emotional keycard, after you answer it's question. Once the player has collected one of each emotion, they must return to the centre to win!

This game offers many opportunities to address and help develop a variety of skills that your child with SEN may have. These are listed below.

EMOTIONAL VOCABULARY/ AWARENESS: By answering and listening to others' answers about different emotions.

EMPATHY/ PERSPECTIVE: By noticing and perhaps discussing differences of perception with peers.

SOCIAL INTERACTION:Turn-taking is obvious, but by adding teamwork and/ or stealing, there is an element of sharing (dice rolls/ cards/ having to answer).

RESILIENCE: Stealing also adds an element of having to deal with a difficult situation, more than simply losing.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date April 19, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Ready, Steady, Emote! web site

Why buy this?

  • Easily customizable experience
  • Simple rules
  • Rockets!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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