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Realm of Logres

Each game tells a unique and intriguing version of King Arthur's Legend




One side plays King Arthur and his loyal subjects and the other side plays Mordred, Morgana and the usurpers. In a "take-that" style back-and-forth, players act and counter-act to create and relive exciting episodes in the tale of Arthur.

Players can take part in tournaments, participate in the trial of Guinevere and quest for the Grail as characters fight and quest, romance and cuckold. Arthur is best used in command, while Kay works in support. Lancelot is the most fearsome swordsman in the lands while the Peasants are best at labor. Merlin has no equal in magic.

While knights do battle and wizards cast spells, peasants and serfs labor in the fields to provide for Arthur's kingdom. When the kingdom is in famine good suffers mightily. Players compete and collaborate to decide if Lancelot betrays his king, if Vivien tempts Merlin and whether Mordred or Arthur meet and die in battle. Tom Thumb and the Connecticut Yankee might even make an appearance before the game is at an end.

If you like the shifting conditions of Kingmaker, or the legend of Arthur you're sure to enjoy this game. Realm of Logres is part RPG, part euro-game with just enough smash-mouth American-style combat.

Despite the fact that the game has more than 100 characters and more than 50 quests spread across all of England and Wales, set-up is quick and easy. This is because the game always starts very simple with just 2 characters per player. As the game unfolds events occur, characters arrive and actions happen that create fascinating choices, surprising plot twists and unexpected complications.

No game ever plays the same twice, requiring unique strategies each time the game is played.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date April 03, 2014
Edition Second
Department Games
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More Info Realm of Logres web site

Why buy this?

  • Intuitive: easy to play and easy to learn.
  • Interesting and entertaining choices.
  • Both competitive and collaborative.


  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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