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Rebirth TCG - Booster Box logo
Rebirth TCG - Booster Box logo

Rebirth TCG - Booster Box

New HTCG based on strategy...





Draw phase. Gain coin phase. Abilities. Play items, traps and monsters.

Attack/pass phase.


Start the game by shuffleing youre deck. Then let your opponent cut it.

Put down 3 cards facedown defence mode in front of you.

Then draw 5 cards.

Choose the player that starts the game. If you start you still draw 1 card at the Draw Phase, though youre not allowed to attack.

Then gain 2 coins from the bank.

Then you affect any abilities that is on the field, if none: do nothing.

Then you play your monsters by paying the corresponding amount standing in the right corner. If you eg. play the card "Goof" you pay 1 coin back to the bank. You can max. cost play 2 monsters from your hand every turn. Its also here you can special play cards with an effect of an ability or Item. Items can be played in the same phase as you play monsters. You can play as many items/traps as you like during your turn, unless its says otherwise. Traps/items cant be played during your opponents turn.

Once you played all the items and monsters that your allowed you can attack. Choose to attack or pass. If you pass it will be your opponents turn. If you attack, look at your attack stats and your opponents. If you have a higher attack stat then you can beat the opponents monster and sent it to your opponents graveyard. If not then your monster will die, and will be sent to the graveyard. If your opponent dont have any monsters you can attack their shields/barrier. Each shield will only take 1 attack to die. When the shield dies your opponent draws that card onto his/her hand. When your opponent dont have any cards left: you can attack their life. Every 100 damage that your monster has equals 1 damage. If your monster has eg. 160 attack it will be rounded down to 100 damage. Both players have 20 lifepoints.

Winning conditions:

Your opponents have 0 cards left in their deck.

You damaged 20 health on your opponent and made your opponent have 0 health.


You can have 4 copies of every card in your deck. The only card you can have more of is ancient rock. (unlimited) *Banlist coming soon.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date September 11, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • 66 cards to collect, and special promos coming!
  • Very happy and family friendly artwork.
  • Strategic card game, based on turns and attack/defense.

NoctiPuz's Games

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