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Red Menace (2nd Edition)

Red Menace is a solitaire wargame of WWIII in 1959




Price increase in August 2024: due to a larger than usual increase in printing costs from The Game Crafter, price will now be set to automatically adjust as needed to maintain a specific profit amount.

Red Menace is a solitaire wargame pitting the strategic nuclear and defensive forces of the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom against those of the Soviet Union and its client state, Cuba, in 1959. The game focuses primarily on the role of strategic bombers, but other types of supporting aircraft such as Interceptors, Airborne Early Warning aircraft, and Aerial Refueling Tankers are also represented. The player takes control of the United States, Canada and United Kingdom. Decisions for the Soviet units are made by the game system using random events and dice.

During the Cold War, the U.S. believed that thousands of Soviet bombers could be unleashed at a moment's notice. This turned out not to be true (the Soviets had several hundred bombers at best, and many had significant range limitations). The game is not meant to be an accurate simulation of the actual capabilities of the strategic forces involved, but rather reflects what the governments and citizens of the U.S., Canada and the U.K. believed could happen.

The 2nd edition includes all new artwork for the map, counters, reference sheets, cards, box cover and new rules, units, and scenarios. The use of cards for Random Events and Soviet Cities (for Soviet AI Target Assignment) instead of chit-pull is also new for this edition.

  • Number of Players: One
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Age: 12+
  • Complexity: 5 (out of 10)
  • Solitaire Suitability: High
  • Unit Scale: Groups, with some Squadrons; Soviet Air Divisions.
  • Time Scale: 1 to 1.5 hours per game turn
  • Map Scale: 500 miles per hex
  • Designer: R. Brent Ward
  • Developer: Barry Kendall

Please note the following important information:

Laser-Cut Counters: the laser-cutting process leaves soot around the edges of the 3/4" counters. This soot can easily be removed by using a damp soft cloth (water is fine but rubbing alcohol is preferred). Visit this page for tips on removing soot: Red Menace - Soot Instructions | Battlespace Games

New Box: as of March 4th, 2019: the box has been upgraded to a version with printing on all sides, including the back. This change was required because The Game Crafter discontinued the original box. This change required a price increase to $54.99. See pictures below for box comparison.

Reference Sheets: the two reference sheets are UV-coated and allow the use of the included dry-erase marker (with Eraser cap). The game relies on the use of the dry-erase marker to track important information on both reference sheets. If the dry-erase markings are left on the sheets for a few hours, a dry-erase cleaner may be necessary to remove them. An optional acrylic plastic sheet (i.e. Plexiglass) may be purchased at a hardware store and placed over the map and reference sheets and allow the use of the dry-erase marker on the plastic. Each of the three components (map + two reference sheets) measures 11" x 17". A single plastic sheet measuring at least 33" x 17" will cover all three components.

Transparent Cubes: as of August 24th, 2022: due to low stock levels, the 10mm red and blue transparent cubes have been replaced with 12mm.


Component Quantity Photo
Medium Square Chit Set 1 set of 150 medium square chits Medium Square Chit Set component icon
Quad-Fold Mat Set 1 set of 3 quad-fold mats Quad-Fold Mat Set component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 12 cards Poker Deck component icon
Small Square Deck 1 deck of 21 cards Small Square Deck component icon
Large Retail Box 1 Large Retail Box component icon
Jumbo Booklet 2 Jumbo Booklet component icon
D6, 15mm, Numeral, Grey 5 D6, 15mm, Numeral, Grey component icon
D6, 16mm, Blue 3 D6, 16mm, Blue component icon
Ice Cube, 12mm, Transparent, Blue 2 Ice Cube, 12mm, Transparent, Blue component icon
Ice Cube, 12mm, Transparent, Red 2 Ice Cube, 12mm, Transparent, Red component icon


Average Rating 5 reviews
Publish Date November 15, 2018
Edition 2nd
Department Games
Tags War Combat World War III War Gamer Hex and Counter wargame Solo solitaire Air Warfare nuclear war
More Info Red Menace (2nd Edition) web site

Why buy this?

I had a blast playing this game. The barrier to entry is low. It has some clever systems and you can set it up and go.

  • Designed for Solitaire Play
  • Simple Wargame: Optional Rules to Increase Difficulty
  • High Replayability: Random Events, Dynamic AI, and more


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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Ratings and Reviews

Posted 5 years ago
Own It

Very disappointed because its a game completely based on luck. You roll die and if successful, you nuke a city.

Posted 5 years ago
Own It Played It Fun High Replay Value Well Written Rules Nice Artwork

A very "atmospheric" game in that it captures the feel of threat posed by the Soviet Union. It is a solitaire game that is primarily driven by a mass attack by the game-controlled Soviet forces. For...

Posted 5 years ago
Own It Played It Fun Priced Well High Replay Value Well Written Rules Nice Artwork

I like good quality components whch is why I chose the Boxed game and not the print and play version. An overlooked little gem of a game.

Posted 5 years ago
Own It Played It Fun Nice Artwork

Fun solitaire game that takes you back into paranoid world of the 1950s when the threat of nuclear attack was constantly in the news, people were building home bomb shelters and kids were being told t...

Posted 5 years ago
Own It

Great solo game, lots of fun. Vey addictive. No Enemies Here

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