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Red Wins in Six

A quick rocket race-to-the-finish card game of strategy and chance.




Red always wins, but winning isn't everything!

You want to captain the first ship to land on the mysterious Ringed Planet, but you won’t succeed. Red lands first; reaching the Rings in six rounds. You already know this. But what happened between now and then? What perils befell you and and your competitors? What role did the shadowy financier “Corporation” have in your failure? Most importantly... who keeps the coin? Red may win in six, but how they win is up to you!

Head to for full rules and details, and make sure to read the short story "Red, Blue, Green" — the tale of our intrepid Captains and the crooked Corporation at the heart of the game!

Red Wins In Six is a quick card game for 2~3 people, playing for points or coins. Strategy is important, but — as with any rocket race — chance, luck, and fate also have their parts to play!


Component Quantity Photo
Euro Poker Deck 1 deck of 18 cards Euro Poker Deck component icon
Poker Hook Box (18 cards) 1 Poker Hook Box (18 cards) component icon


Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date November 14, 2017
Edition First
Department Games
More Info Red Wins in Six web site

Why buy this?

  • A great tavern game when real money is on the line!
  • Featuring found art from turn-of-the-century science books.
  • Take it with you! The whole game fits in your pocket!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.

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