When war broke out between the Five Kingdoms it devastated Sanctum as all sides scorched the land to defeat one another. The Great War came to an abrupt end as the magic that had been so plenteous in the past had mysteriously vanished. The only magic left to the people was that which was bound to certain relics. These powerful items are scattered throughout the world of Santum and Guilds pay handsome sums of gold to those willing to pluck them from obscurities grasp. Some seek them for power, while others attempt to keep them from falling into the wrong hands. How will you wield the Relics of Power?
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 3 reviews |
Publish Date | October 12, 2019 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |
More Info | Relic Quest web site |