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RPG Initiative & Condition Tracking Cards

RPG Initiative & Condition Tracking Cards




A custom deck of cards for identifying turn order in tabletop roleplaying games and track conditions (e.g. unconscious). While turn tracking can be used across numerous games, the condition cards are specific to the following RPG systems: 5th Edition, Open Legend, and Savage Worlds.

The deck contains 4 copies of each condition card for both 5th Edition and Open Legend. There are 6 copies of the Savage Worlds Shaken/Wounds cards. Initiative cards track up to 13 PCs/NPCs. The NPC side of the initiative cards also contain four letters (A/B/C/D) in each corner to help the GM track which NPC each card represents.

Finally, the deck is also designed to be red-green colorblind friendly.


Component Quantity Photo
Poker Deck 1 deck of 36 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Tuck Box (36 cards) 1 Poker Tuck Box (36 cards) component icon


Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date March 13, 2017
Edition First
Department Games
More Info RPG Initiative & Condition Tracking Cards web site

Why buy this?

  • Very portable (36 poker cards in a box)
  • Supports multiple RPG systems
  • Color-blind friendly

HeroMuster Creations

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.

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