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Sacred Feminine Oracle Cards - Jumbo Size logo

Sacred Feminine Oracle Cards - Jumbo Size

Sacred Feminine Oracle Deck




The New Enhanced Edition features - Forty Four cards - 11 new cards! - New Guidance for each card - a quick meditation! - Now available as an App on the App Store & Google Play Store - Take The Sacred Feminine Oracle Deck with you!

The Sacred Feminine meditation cards offer a moment’s peace, a moment’s distraction, a moment’s grace. They were created to help those dealing with the pain of loss and trauma.

The original paintings were created after the loss of my nine year old son, my health and my mother in a short period of time. I focused on healing, they were my art therapy. I recreated the images in coloured pencil in the same size so they could be made into cards. The divine feminine is featured strongly throughout, as are the language of flowers and brilliant colours to uplift and offer solace and balance.

On the back of each card is a guided meditation to take the viewer deeper into the insights of the images and helpful suggestions are offered to encourage progress on your journey of healing.

Choose a card randomly, spread out the cards and choose by colour or name, or turn them face up and

choose the image that appeals to you at the moment. Spend a little time reading the meditation and then turn the card over and allow yourself to get lost in the image and message.

The concept behind the deck is that Joy shared is doubled and Sorrow shared is halved. The Sacred Feminine Oracle Deck is dedicated to my lifetime friend Heather Sneddon, who is featured in the card friendship.

Enjoy. Roxi Sim Hermsen.


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Average Rating 3 reviews
Publish Date July 18, 2016
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info Sacred Feminine Oracle Cards - Jumbo Size web site

Why buy this?

  • Bright Uplifting Art
  • Large Cards for enhanced detail
  • Easy readings with meditiations on the back.

Roxi Art Work's Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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