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Scape Goat Chooser Deck

Add-on for the game Scape Goat that provides an alternate way to pick the scape goat.




This is an add-on for the social deduction game Scape Goat.

This add-on contains 10 cards that provide an alternate way to select the Scape Goat before the start of the game.

Each card features a number from 1 to 5 and each number appears twice in the deck. This number specifies how many players to the left the scape goat is sitting.


  1. Use only the conspiracy cards with numbers lower than the current player count. For example, in a 4 player game, you will only use 1s, 2s, and 3s.
  2. Sort the conspiracy cards into 2 identical faceup stacks of ascending numbers. There should be a 1 faceup on top of each stack. For example, in a 4 player game, you will have two stacks, each containing 3, 2, 1, with a 1 card on top.
  3. Flip both stacks face down.
  4. Shuffle just one of the stacks. We’ll call this Stack A.
  5. Randomly take a card from Stack A and place it on top of Stack B. The remaining cards from Stack A will not be used. Set them aside, but do not look at them!
  6. Cycle shuffle Stack B. Cycle shuffling means repeatedly moving the top card of the pile to the bottom. Do this several times, so that no one knows for sure which card is on top any more. For added uncertainty, you can have multiple players cycle shuffle a few times under the table.
  7. Deal 1 card from Stack B facedown to each player moving clockwise around the table. It’s critical that you deal clockwise.
  8. You’re done! The number on each card tells you how many seats to your left the scape goat is sitting. If you’ve done everything correctly, all cards but one will be indicating the same player. The player whose card is indicating someone else is the scape goat!

Note: I recommend doing at least one test deal to make sure you’ve done things correctly. After following the steps above, have everyone reveal their cards and make sure all cards but one are indicating the same player. A test deal will also help all players understand how the system works.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date December 04, 2020
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Scape Goat Chooser Deck web site

Why buy this?

  • Allows randomly picking the scape goat with just 10 cards.
  • Makes the game immune to memorization.
  • No need to mess with dice or matrices.


  • This game does not come in a box.


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