In this card game, the goal is to be the first to scramble for a full robitic body, then complete a "feat" to win.
Every turn, you'll typically be attaching a part to yourself, then attacking or defending yourself from the other players. Choose your parts wisely and then select from the actions your shiny new parts can do.
For example, equipping a "Hammerhead" then bash into another player,
damaging both of you at once!
Various "contraption" cards will help you accomplish your goals as well. There are even different "feats" that encourage various choices to win.
You can play the more strategic, long form mode in which you pay for parts at different prices when building your body. Or take the more chaotic, yet faster mode! Make a literal "scrap heap" piled up, and take from the top every turn.
Things will start simple enough, but the complexity will grow every turn when you have more and more actions available.
Will you play offensively? Will you play for efficiency? Will you make truces with your friends or ruthlessly cut them down? Will you sacrifice your little pet roach so that Fred doesn't saw off your leg???? Figure it out.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | March 27, 2023 |
Edition | Second |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{}} |