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Master the sport of crab volleyball in this tiny dice placement game!




IMPORTANT: In order to keep costs low, this version of Scuttleball does not come with dice. You can use your own (18 dice needed. 12mm recommeded) or purchase a set (standard or deluxe) here on the Game Crafter. See 'Related Games' to the right.

Summer is here and that means one thing for you and your crab buddies: Scuttleball! Scuttleball is just like volleyball but for crabs! You’ll need skill, luck, and guts if you want to win this tricky little dice game.

Scuttleball is a 2-player dice-placement game that fits in a mint tin. Despite its small size, short rules, and bunch of dice, it offers a surprising amount of tense tactical moments and thematic tie-ins. At the beginning of each round, or volley, both players roll nine dice concealed behind their hands. Players alternate making a play on the ball by placing a die on their side of the court that exceeds the value of the last played die. The volley continues until one player can't make a play. Here's the exciting part: every space on the court has a special action that is activated when a die is placed. Actions are things like reroll a die, boost its value, or mirror an adjacent die. You’ll have to activate the right ability at the right time if you want to keep the volley going!

Scuttleball contains three different courts to accommodate different skill levels and game preferences: backyard (casual), beach (standard), or gymnasium (expert). There is also a free downloadable file to design your own court!

Scuttleball on BGG: Link


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date August 22, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Scuttleball web site

Why buy this?

The first few times we played, it seemed pretty light but the more we got it to the table the more we realized how much strategy is really needed to optimize your spaces in order to win.

  • Thematic volleyball game that fits in a mint tin!
  • Quick and light with tactics that will surprise you!
  • Bring your own dice or buy them separately as add-ons


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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