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Second Mouse

Gather cheese while dodging traps in this card game where it pays to be the second mouse!




Use your strategy, wits, and a little luck to survive Mouse hazards while stashing away the goal amount of cheese in your nest and scurrying through the levels quicker than your opponent to win!

Second Mouse is a two player game for ages 5 and up. A complete game takes about 20 to 40 minutes to play, but it can be shortened or lengthened easily. The game is comprised of several “rounds” where each player utilizes his mice to draw cards from any of three cheese piles in an attempt to gather cheese. Within the cheese piles lay cheese, traps, tools, and the dreaded cat. Each player must gather the number of cheese indicated on their “Escape” level card and get it transferred to their nest before the other player to win the round!

When a round is won, that player advances to the next highest Escape card. The first player to finish all of their Escape cards wins the game! By removing some Escape cards the game can be shortened, or conversely adding extra Escape cards the game can be lengthened.

Although the concept of the game is simple enough for even youngsters to pick up quickly, the strategy and suspense behind every card flip make this an addictive game for all ages!


Component Quantity Photo
Poker Deck 1 deck of 8 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 2 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 36 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 2 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Poker Deck component icon


Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date November 08, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
More Info Second Mouse web site

Why buy this?

  • Easy to Learn and Play
  • Reinforces Counting Skills
  • Flexible Goals / Game Length
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