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Honor. Courage & Lots of Blood




Seppuku is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment (“cutting the belly”).This practice was a key part of the Bushido, the code of the samurai warriors, and was used to avoid falling into enemy hands, and to attenuate shame. One might say that death is the very center of the Bushido, as the overall purpose- to die well and with one's honor intact.

You are a Daimyo, a powerful feudal ruler in ancient Japan.You must hire samurai to protect your land, and win battles courageously.The first Daimyo whose clan obtains the “Seven Virtues” of the Bushido will be announced as the winner in this fun and addictive card and dice based game.

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Average Rating 5 reviews
Publish Date July 28, 2011
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Seppuku web site

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  • Card Game
  • Dice
  • Fighting


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