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Shadow Chaos




Who will win this never ending battle between light and darkness? Out of the Shadows and Mayhem, these warriors have come to battle for you. Arm them with equipment and magic to win this battle. It will be the difference between you defeating your opponent and your last life tower being cut down.

The PDF file for this game's rules are located at


To begin each game, hand your deck to the other play to shuffle each other's deck.
Next, draw seven cards from your deck. Be sure that you have at least one Warrior card and one Life Tower card.
If you do not have one of each, then shuffle your hand back into the deck and draw another seven cards.

Winning the Game:

To win, you must simply destroy all of the opponent's life towers.
If your opponent has no life towers on his side of the field, you win the game.
It is not necessary to go through the entire deck and destroy every one of his life towers.

Rules for each turn:

At the beginning of each turn, you must draw one card.
If you have no deck to draw from, shuffle your graveyard, draw the first 20 cards, and shuffle the deck.
This will be your new deck.
Each warrior may attack an opponent's warrior only once unless otherwise stated by that warriors effect or equipped card.

Rules for equipment:

Each warrior can only have one equipped equipment card at a time unless otherwise stated by that card's effect.
The equipment's level is noted by the number of spheres it has in its upper right hand corner.
If two equipment cards are going against each other, the card with the higher level trumps.
If the two cards' levels are equal, then the newest card trumps.
Example, if a level one card is active and another level one card tries to dispel it, the card is dispelled, but if the first card is a higher level, then the second card has no effect.

Rules for Warriors:

There are two positions for a warrior card to be in:
Straight up and down is attack position
Diagonally is a defensive position
While in attack position, the ATK value on the card is the combat value.
While in the defensive position, the DEF value on the card is the combat value.
To attack another warrior, a warrior must be in attack position.
During an attack, if the combat value of the attacked warrior is lower than the attack of the attacking warrior, then the attacked warrior is given damage equal to the difference noted by placing damage counters on the card.
If the number of damage counters is equal to or greater than the HP of the warrior, then the card is sent from the field to the graveyard and one point of damage is given to the life tower directly behind the warrior if the warrior is in attack position.
If there is no life tower behind the warrior, then any chosen tower takes the damage.
A warrior card's level is the number of sphere's in the card's upper right hand side.
Level one cards can be summoned straight from your hand to the field.
Any higher level card requires a sacrifice of your warrior cards from the field equal to one less than their level.
For example: If a level three card is summoned, then two sacrifices are sent to the graveyard.

Rules for Life Towers:

These are the simplest and most important cards in the game.
Every time a Life Tower takes damage, a damage counter is placed on the card.
If you have no Life Towers on your side of the field, then you lose the game.
Once Life Towers have on them damage counters equal to their HP, then they are reshuffled into the deck, unless otherwise stated in the card.

Field Rules:

The hand slot may or may not be used. It is the player's choice.

Each set contains to forty card decks.
The cards in each deck are as follows:

Lone Wolf x 3
Beast of Chaos x 1
Grave Robber x 2
Original Warrior x 5
Dark Wizard x 3
Ancient Guardian x 2

Large Life Tower x 1
Medium Life Tower x 2
Small Life Tower x 3

Magic Wall x 2
Energy Strike x 2
Drain Strike x 3
Swift Dagger x 2
Ancient Tome x 2
Mega Sword x 2
Blade of the Beast x 1
Spell Breaking Blow x 4

Have fun, my Friend.


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Publish Date July 28, 2010
Edition First
Department Games
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