** This game requires the player to have a 30 second timer for group games and a 45 second timer for single player games **
Overview Shield, Sword, Axe and Wand is a fast paced pattern matching game where players must work together to slay a horde of hideous monsters. It is a game aimed at casual gamers or as a quick light game between move intensive games with a simple battle simple that is quick to teach and easy to pick up.
This game can be played as a co-operative experience in which the group works together to see how many monster they can defeat. Or competitively where each player tries to land the killing blow on each monster to collect the beast as a trophy.
This game is a race against the clock. The sequence on the monster card must be matched before time expires before or the players are attacked by the monster and it escapes.
How to Play Each player plays one or more cards from their hand which match the attack sequence on a revealed monster card. Each card is place below the monster card one on top of the other. If the symbol is Grapple, Shield, Sword, Axe or Wand, the card only needs to be placed on top of the previous card. If it is another symbol, the card must be placed with that symbol closest to the monster.
For example, if the attack sequence below the monster card is Shield, Sword, Fire. The players must play a Shield card, then on top of that card a Sword card and on top of that card a Wand card with the Fire symbol facing the monster.
The sequence on the monster must be matched correctly before the timer has expired.
For more details please see the game rules below.