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The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.


A game of island survival and rescue for 1-4 shipwrecked players.





The storm was unreal. You managed to snag some driftwood and hang on through the night as your boat sank to the bottom of the ocean. As day breaks you see an island in the distance and swim as hard as you can to its sandy beaches and safety. Land! You give the beach a kiss and as you lay down in the sun it suddenly dawns on you, you have no idea where you are or how to get off this island. You’re stranded.

Stranded is a survival stragey game where you must stay alive for 12 rounds or get saved by a passing plane or boat. You must explore the island and collect resources to improve your chances of survival. You are skilled enough to build some items to help as well. Build a fire to try to be seen and rescued or make a satchel to help carry your resources easier. If you don't manage your time and resources well, you might not make it.

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How To Play Video

Play on Tabletop Simulator

Stranded Tabletop Simulator

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Component Quantity Photo
Jumbo Coil Book 1 book of 4 pages Jumbo Coil Book component icon
Cube, 10mm, Blue 8 Cube, 10mm, Blue component icon
Cube, 10mm, Red 8 Cube, 10mm, Red component icon
Cube, 10mm, White 8 Cube, 10mm, White component icon
Cube, 10mm, Yellow 8 Cube, 10mm, Yellow component icon
D6, 16mm, Blue 2 D6, 16mm, Blue component icon
D6, 16mm, Red 2 D6, 16mm, Red component icon
D6, 16mm, White 2 D6, 16mm, White component icon
D6, 16mm, Yellow 2 D6, 16mm, Yellow component icon
Disc, 16mm x 4mm, Blue 6 Disc, 16mm x 4mm, Blue component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 04, 2021
Edition First
Department Games

Why buy this?

  • Get rescued or prove you can live sustainably on the island.
  • Plays with the same setup solo or with up to 4 players.
  • Try to wisely handle resource management to survive.



  • This game does not come in a box.


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See It In Action

  • action shot 2
  • action shot 2
  • action shot 3
  • action shot 4
  • action shot 5
  • action shot 6

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