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Strange Sites

Beat your opponent to be the first to make contact with aliens!




The Story

Humans have been gathering around sacred sites for ages, and you and a university colleague have created an alogrithmic artificial intelligence program for your masters thesis that scours the internet for information about Alien contact with earth, only to discover that the subjects of many historical pieces, and even modern art pieces are painted with the subject being a location of Alien contact. On top of this you discover that there are actually multiple different races of Aliens, that have contacted our planet, waiting for our response to see which side we will join in the galactic, but the only way to contact them must be through discovering the secret behind these strange sites...


18 unique site cards

  • 4 UnGrah Faction

  • 4 XC325 Faction

  • 4 Pul Faction

  • 4 Ra Faction

  • 2 Neutral

2 Reminder Cards

3 Red Meeples

3 Blue Meeples

2 White Meeples

How to play - Set up

Shuffle the 18 card deck, then deal our the top 12 cards face down in a 4x3 grid, then deal the remaining cards to each player. These three cards become that players hand. Players then place a card from their hand face-down in front of them to be the card that represents their faction, place a white Meeple on top of this card. Each player is then given all the other Meeples of one colour, and play begins with the player who most recently was abducted by aliens.

Actions of a turn

  • Peek at a face-down card

  • Flip a card face-up and activate it

  • Swap a card in your hand with a face-down card in the grid, or your faction card

  • Place a Meeple onto a face-up card and activate its effect


Players take turns completing two actions of their choice, until a single player has 3 Meeples each on a card of the faction matching their faction card. Players cannot target a card, with a site effect, if that card has a Meeple on it, however both players may have a Meeple on the same site.

You can find a live gameplay stream here: Log In or Sign Up to View


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date July 05, 2019
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Strange Sites web site

Why buy this?

  • High tactical resource use
  • High replayability
  • multiple strategic options

Keith D Franks III

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