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SUMMONED “The Devil Inside”

Horror themed party game that raises hell!




SUMMONED “the Devil Inside”, is the first of many planned games from Attack from Marrs Games. All players will start with a set of Curse Cards that players will use throughout the whole game. These cards contain Dares that the “Victims” (non-active players) can choose to complete or pass on. Each Curse Card is worth a point, so the Victims choices of taking and successfully completing a card will effect if the Victim earns or losses points. Players will take turns being a Demon, which is the active player of the game. Victims are the inactive players that are vulnerable to the Demon. Who can give one Victim Player a Curse Card at any moment. SUMMONED also features a Curse Ability Extension deck. Curse Ability Cards are “Special Cards”; these cards are worth ½ point. Curse Ability Cards have benefits on them, which will help the Demon or Victim player. But these cards will be bad news for the apposing player. SUMMONED pulls together different types of game play, that creates a party card game that everyone will have a blast playing. Player can play this game sitting down, while you are out and about or as a live action RPG.

How can you play this game as a live action RPG? Well-SUMMONED “The Devil Inside” provides characters. The Demon and Victims, who will take turns turning each other into Demons by giving them a Curse. This Curse has a back-story. That starts out with a drunken friend who decided to wander off into a friend’s house. They find an Ouija board with etched words written on it. While they try to read these words they accidentally summons a Devil. The Devil was not a fan of being awoken, so he gave the drunken friend a curse that starts turning them into a Demon. To make things worse the only way to get rid of this curse is to get another person to perform actions from cards. Those were provided to the friend by the Devil himself.

Players are able to bring their Demon characters to life while they are the active player. Being the active player you will use your Cards to pick off your Victims one by one. Trying to reduce the number of cards they have in their hand. Victim players in turn, will try their best to successfully complete these actions on the cards. Earning them more points.

This game is a blast to play at any party. Players can receive 5 cards as they arrive. Once everyone is accounted for you can start playing once you pick your Demon player that will start the game off. Players can be scattered, enjoying themselves. While Demon players can approach anyone, at anytime to hand them a Curse Card. Which is perfect for people who have friends that enjoy games, but don’t like sitting in one spot. Playing SUMMONED is a fun way to bring all of together.

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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date November 02, 2019
Edition The Devil Inside
Department Games
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More Info SUMMONED “The Devil Inside” web site

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"The experience of the game was a whole lot of fun!"

  • Player will use wit and find a way to complete your dares.
  • Players try to make other players fail at their dares.
  • You will find out how evil your friends really are!

Attack from Marrs Games's Game

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