Swords & Spikes: A Dungeon Battle Game
Duelling swordsmen battle to possess the dungeon key, evade the grim spikes and escape the chilling dungeon.
Dungeon is a 4x4 grid of vertical cards.
Play 3 actions in order of Roll, Move, Battle.
Roll both dice for difference (subtract low from high e.g. 4-2=2) and play the corresponding movement:-
0) = Directly swap spaces with any other Swordsman.
1) = Move your Swordsman 1 space.
2) = Move your Swordsman 2 spaces.
3+) = Move your Swordsman 2 spaces then any other Swordsman 1 space.
Card = 1 space & only contains 1 Swordsman. No walking diagonally, over walls or to a previously visited space same turn. Jumping Spikes/Swordsmen permitted if enough movement.
Target a chosen Swordsman that is directly adjacent, not blocked by walls and not on Spikes. Roll both dice. If attacker on a Sword card, add 2 to green die. If green die is higher than black die, battle was won:- attacker steals key otherwise target is sent to any Spikes card.
These trap Swordsmen. When rolling dice start of turn, if green is higher then continue turn normally.
First Swordsman on any centre orange card collects the Dungeon Key.
A Swordsman not currently on Spikes at the end of any player's turn, who possesses the key with all other Swordsmen trapped on Spikes, escapes the dungeon and wins.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 1 reviews |
Publish Date | November 18, 2023 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |
More Info | Swords & Spikes: A Dungeon Battle Game web site |