With two new countries and 6 new special abilities, combat just got more intense...
Reinforcements have arrived! Two new countries emerge: France and Japan, ready to fight. Play the underdog countries with prototype tanks that had a promising future, but never saw action for various reasons. Release the unknown power of the prototypes upon the more famous countries. Along with new tanks, secret powers are revealed by each country; varying from the massive German Schwerer Gustav artillery to the French Autoloaders, each has a unique secret to be revealed...
Keep in mind the expansion pack only contains 36 cards; France, Japan, and 6 Special Ability cards. Instructions from the original game not included but the box is big enough to hold both the expansion pack and the original pack, all 105 cards.
The original game:
Table Top Titans [www.thegamecrafter.com]
Image References:
Table Top Titans References [docs.google.com]
Digital special abilities:
Table Top Titans: Reinforcements Special Cards [docs.google.com]