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Tarot Conversations: Tarot Spreads That Create Dialogue logo

Tarot Conversations: Tarot Spreads That Create Dialogue

Tarot Conversations is the book to get your tarot cards talking back to you.




Imagine if your tarot cards could actually talk to you. What if they could show you exactly what they’re talking about when they show up in your readings. You could sit down with a hot cup of tea, and get to the bottom of things. You could discuss specific ideas and how they relate to the situation at hand. By the end of your tea, you have specific insights that you can act on, and walk away with more clarity than ever.

Tarot Conversations is the book to get your tarot cards talking back to you. With a tarot spread designed around each card in the deck, you’ll be able to get specific clarity on your questions, and find the answers that you need to make changes in your life.

Tarot Conversations will change the way your read your tarot cards.

Whether you’re looking into your love life, navigating your career path, or reflecting on your relationships, Tarot Conversations is jam packed with tarot spreads that create a dialogue between you and your cards.

These illustrated tarot spreads draw on simple interpretations of all 78 tarot cards, guiding you through the questions and suggestions of each card. You can use these spreads to talk to the Card of the Day, and get more insight on cards that seem “out of place” in your readings.

When you buy Tarot Conversations: Tarot Spreads That Create Dialogue, you get instant access to 78 simple tarot spreads that help you get straight to the point with your tarot cards. Download the book on your computer, read it with your Kindle or Nook app, and take it with you on your tablet or laptop.


Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date December 20, 2013
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info Tarot Conversations: Tarot Spreads That Create Dialogue web site

Why buy this?

"A great way to practice reading, to get unstuck."

  • 78 Tarot Spreads
  • Color Spread Images
  • Get unstuck with your tarot readings

Adana K. Washington

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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