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Tarot Deck

A tarot deck based on characters written by NYT & USA Today bestselling author Tracey H. Kitts




This tarot deck is made of a collection of my private drawings, based on my characters and the worlds I have created. Many of these are over 20 years old (I started drawing my characters years before I ever wrote about them.), and many I have drawn specifically for this tarot deck. If you’ve never read my books, don’t worry, you can enjoy the deck with no previous knowledge of any of my bullsht. Ha. Ha. *

This is a full tarot deck with 78 unique cards/drawings and it comes with a Cheat Sheet to tell you who/what is on each card.

I made these cards intuitively, meaning I decorated the drawings and labeled them within the suit as it felt right to me. I have personally enjoyed tarot for many years and these cards can be used to divine the future, or simply to admire all the werewolf/vampire wang/breasts. The actual cards don't have the lips with fangs on them. I'm just using those to hide the fun bits I'm not allowed to show.

Speaking of which, this deck contains full nudity and is intented for those 18 and up.

I hope you enjoy this deck, and my artwork. Much of my style is homage to the Heavy Metal magazines I grew up loving, as well as 80s barbarian movies, and cheesy fantasy epics.**

*You can find more about me and my books on my website, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok by searching for Tracey H. Kitts. *

On Etsy, search for Merch Macabre to find more items related to Tracey H. Kitts.









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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date July 26, 2022
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info Tarot Deck web site

Why buy this?

  • Each card is hand drawn by Tracey H. Kitts
  • Full deck of 78 unique cards with custom designed tuck box
  • See what some readers' favorite characters look like.

Tracey H. Kitts 's Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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