Welcome to Teenyville! It doesn't look like much at the moment, but with the right investment, this town - and your reputation - could grow much bigger!
Do you have what it takes to transform Teenyville? Create a lake and build commercial properties with water views. Build parks ringed by apartments. Or devalue your opponent's land with roads.
But be careful! Whatever you do, balance your budget or you'll lose the game!
Earn Victory Points for completing land developments and through special combinations of infrastructure!
Change the land value of surrounding regions - increase your own land value, and devalue your opponent's properties!
Do you enhance Teenyville with more public roads, parks and lakes? Or just develop private land for your own use?
Only completely built land will receive Victory Points...but land cannot mix infrastructure types!
Will you play it safe with many little builds, or gamble on sucessfully completing a few huge builds?
Your infrastructure always earns you money. But they can also cost you maintenance fees...
Should you risk spending big early on one type of infrastructure? Or slowly accumulate wealth via a mixture of different types?
Adjacent regions cannot be the same color. Use this to your advantage.
Will you invest to only increase your property values? Or buy up land to thwart your rival's developments?
Attribution: Some imagery in this game was initially generated using AI, then edited
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{item.name}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | June 30, 2024 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{tag.properties.name}} |
More Info | Teenyville web site |
It is overflowing with strategy, uses a clever coloring mechanic and utilizes the components included in a great way