The game TERTIANT Functions in the Exact Opposite Way as Chess.
In Chess, unique pieces have the ability to move in special ways on a Static Chess Board.
In TERTIANT, uniform pieces have the ability to continually move in special ways based on the Nature of the Squares upon which they rest, which changes continually according to the Fluctuating Nature of Space. This is not random, however, as Outerspace Fluctuations are CYCLICAL, making the game a real gamer's game.
The mechanisms of this game are usefully summarized on the Board Itself. Have fun with with Unique System!
Note: an added bonus, this game comes with an additional board. So players can enjoy both 8 x 8 and 9 x 9 action!
How to Play (Rules): Play like Chess, except that all the Pieces are the Same, except for the King, which is either the Star Ship or the Shuttle. The Star Ship is the Red King, and the Shuttle is the Blue King. The First Person to Defeat the other Player's King Wins the Game!
Special Rules (Critical):
1. The King must always move like a King--one space at a time--he does not have the power to use the Special Properties of Space like the other pieces.
2. During the First 2 full OuterSpace Cycles (6 moves) of the game, no player can make a move of more than 4 squares in distance.