The Academy is a board game created by a police officer and two dispatchers. In the game, players are recruits in the police academy and the goal of the game is to complete the seven required classes and be the first player to reach graduation. Sounds easy enough.
The challenge of the game comes with forcing players to reach each class in the order that they are drawn at the beginning of each game. Once a player has reached the next class on their list, they either pass or fail, based on rolling the die. If they fail, they must report to "PT" (Physical Training) and return to that class to try again.
Along the way, players will encounter the dreaded academy counselors. These counselors could help you, or hurt you, depending on how far along the game is, and what classes you have left to complete. For instance, you might draw a card that sends you to the class, "Firearms." This would be helpful, as you could potentially complete this class out of order and give you an advantage, however, on the flip side, if you have already completed Firearms training, this could send you out of the way of your next class, costing you time.
As the game may appeal to those involved in the law enforcement community, this game requires absolutely no police background and is fun for the whole family. The recommended players are from 2-6 and ages 12 and up. The full game includes, The Academy game board, 6 player pieces, deck of classes (7 cards), deck of counselor says (24 cards), and 1 die. The rules are included and downloadable.
Note: To play, you will need a scrap sheet of paper and writing utensil to keep track of classes that have been completed. This is to lower the manufacturing costs.