This game is meant for age 21+ Play time: 30-90 minutes
This game is so much fun and made in May 2020. It is a mainstream drinking game that is sure to get you drunk and show new sides of you and your friends you have never seen before!
Materials (not included) : Coin, Standard Deck of Cards, Cup, Medium Sized Object, Spoons
Some Cards That Might Confuse You:
waterfall - everyone will start drinking their drinks at the same time, when the player who drew the card stops drinking their drink, the next player in line can choose when to stop drinking their drink, when they choose to stop drinking, the player after them can stop, and so fourth.
player to the right - player to the right of the player who drew the card drinks.
player to the left - player to the left of the player who drew the card drinks.
nose goes - once this card is drawn every player will put their finger on their nose, the last player to have their finer on their nose has to drink.
singles drink - if you are not in a relationship, drink
taken drink - if you are in a relationship, drink
mates - the player who drew this card must pick a player to drink with every time one of them has to drink.
safe - your turn is skipped
youngest & you - the youngest player and the player who drew the card must drink.
oldest & you - the oldest player and the player who drew the card must drink.
truth or dare - the player who drew the card will get the option to answer a question from any player truthfully, or complete a dare.
heads = drink; tails = safe
take a pic w right - the player who drew this will take a picture with the player to their right
take a pic w left - the player who drew this will take a picture with the player to their left
rhyme -the person who drew the cards will pick a word for everyone to have to rhyme with, the rhyming will keep going around in a circle, until someone repeats a word that has already been said or gets stumped, they will have to drink.
categories -the person who drew the card will pick any category they want (food, movies, brands of cars) and they will go in a circle listing items that fall under that category. Once someone in the circle repeats an item or gets stumped, they will have to drink.
the floor is lava - the person who drew this card will choose anytime to either quickly, or discretely move every part of their body off the floor, once this person moves, everyone else will have to move every part of their body off the floor until one person is still touching the floor, or is the last to get off the floor. The last person to get off the floor, drinks!
confession - the person who draws the card will have to share a confession with the group
group selfie- take a group photo with every player in it
never have i ever - each player will hold up 3 fingers, the player who drew the card will start with the phrase “never have i ever...” and say something they have never done, but something they think some of the other players have. If someone says something you have done, you will put a finger down. The first person to put down all their fingers has to drink.
2 truths one lie - the player who drew the card will say 3 scenarios to the group, two of them have to be something that player has done, and one has to be something that player has never done. Each player of the group will decide which one is the lie, if they are wrong, they drink!
colored eyes drink -every player that has colored eyes (any color other than brown) drinks
brown eyes drink - every player with brown eyes, drinks!
tallest drink - the tallest player drinks
shortest drink - the shortest player drinks
beer drinkers drink - if any player is drinking beer, those players must drink
wine drinkers drink - if any player is drinking wine or any wine cooler, those players must drink
liquor drinkers drink - if any player is drinking liquor, those players must drink
seltzer drinkers drink - if any player is drinking a seltzer, those players must drink
drink for each sibling - the player who drew the card will drink for each sibling they have
drink if you posted a snap story - the player who drew this will drink if they posted anything on their snapchat story.
fullest drink - the player with the fullest drink, drinks.
fuck, marry, kill - the player who draws this card will be given 3 names of people. They will then have to choose between those 3 people who they would have sex with, marry, and kill.
question master - the person who drew this card is allowed to ask any player a question, but if the other players reply to the question master, they will have to drink.
last name A-M - all players whose last name starts with A-M must drink
last name N-Z - all players whose last name starts with N-Zmust drink
lips are sealed - the player who drew this card is not allowed to talk until their next turn, if they do, they have to drink.
rule maker - the player who draws this card is allowed to make one rule for everyone to follow, if any player breaks it, they will have to drink.
take off a piece of clothing
what are the odds? - the player who draws this card will get asked a scenario from another player starting with “what are the odds that you will...”. Once the sentence is said, both players will shout out a number 1-10. If the players say the same number, the player who drew the card must do the scenario.
thumb master - the player who drew this card will either rapidly or discretely place their thumb on the edge of the table or leg if not playing at a table. Once the player who drew the card puts their thumb out, the other players must follow. The last player to put their thumb out drinks.
sip your body count - sip your drink the amount of sexual partners you have
rock paper scissors - the player who drew the card and one other player will play a good ole round of rock, paper, scissors. The loser has to drink.
heaven - the player who drew this card will either rapidly or discretely point their finger up to the sky. Once the player who drew the card points up, the other players must follow. The last player to point up drinks.
brunettes - brunettes drink
blondes - blondes drink
gingers - gingers drink
opposite of you drinking - the player sitting across from the player who drew the card must drink
matching undie colors - every player will say what color underwear they are wearing. If a player shares the same color underwear with another player, those players will drink
highest body count - highest amount of sexual partners
lowest body count - lowest amount of sexual partners
wild card - the player who drew the card can pick any card from the deck to complete
hot seat - the player who drew the card can be asked any querstion by any other player
ride the bus -place four playing cards facedown in a row, you will guess the color of the first card, you will guess then if the 2nd card’s number is higher or lower than the first card, you will then guess if the 3rd card’s number is inside or outside the range of first two cards’ numbers, finally, you will guess what the suit of the 4th card is. if you get it right, you move to the next card card, if you guess wrong, you drink, replace the card(s) and start over.
wild card, guests choice - pick a number 1-the number of people playing, whoever guesses the number right gets to pick any card from the deck for you to complete
big titty committee drink - if you have big boobs, drink
itty-bitty committee drink - if you have small boobs, drink
impersonations - the player who drew the card must impersonate any other player from the group
kiss or drink - the player who drew this must kiss any other player or drink
blow me - first, you will take a small cup or shot class fill it with a drink. Then, place a deck of playing cards on top. The player who drew the card will choose one other player to play with. Someone will start by trying to blow the deck of cards off of the cup, but the person who blows off the last card, must drink the drink.
21- players will go around in a circle and count up to 21. after one full rotation, the first person will make a rule, changing the order of two numbers or replacing a number with a word. The group will start counting to 21 again using the new rules. Once everyone makes a rule the game is finished, but if anyone messes up a rule they have to drink. ex: (the rule is switch 3 with 5 and say “BOOM” on 6: “1, 2, 5, 4, 3, BOOM, 7, 8, 9, ...”)
drink your number of piercings - drink for every body piercing you have
flip your fate - the player who drew the card will be secretly asked by the person to the right of them a “who do you think is..” question (make sure nobody else can hear). The player who drew the card will choose one of the players that they believe fits the question they got asked and share the name with the entire group. The player who drew the card will then flip a coin. If it’s heads, the question they were asked will be revealed, if it is tails, nobody will ever know what was asked. You will then move to the next person. Complete one full rotation.
kentucky derby - take out the four aces of a deck of cards and lay them face up, then line cards (4+) face downbetween half the aces (2 aces, line of cards going up, 2 aces) face down. Now, each player will go around and place their bets (for # of drinks/sips) on which ace will win the race. Next, flip a card from the top of a separate pile of cards. EX: If the card you flip over is a diamond, then the diamond ace will move up a row. You will keep flipping from the pile until each ace suit has moved up at least one row. Then, you will take the cards that were in a line and flip them over. EX: If one of the cards is a heart, then you move the hearts down a row. You will do this for each card in the line. There will be one card that wins, if there is a tie then you will flip a card from the pile until one of the cards move down. Losers will drink their bet. Winners get to distribute their drinks out to the group however they want.
staring contest - the first person to blink drinks
arm wrestle - loser drinks
spoons - play a game of spoons, if you don’t know how to play spoons... please just google it. The person who doesn’t grab a spoon has to drink.
longest full name- the player with the longest full name drinks
stoners drink- if you smoke weed, drink
not from state being played- if any player is from another state in which the game is being played, those players must drink
drink if you have ink - drink for each tattoo you have
are you smarter than a fifth grader- the player who drew this card will be asked 5 “Are you smarter than a 5th grader questions” (just google some online) from someone in the group. Every question they get wrong, they will drink.
slap, grab, knock - the player who drew this card will choose another player to play with. The players will sit facing each other and there will be an item between the two players. Both players will start with one hand up and one hand down. Someone will start by touching the item in the middle, and the other will start with their hand on top of their other hand. Once they start going, they will alternate between their hand and the item. Between the two players, any player can grab the item in front of them, as long as it would be when they would be touching the item. When one player grabs the item, the other player must make a fist and knock on the space where the item once was. Once the player who took the item is about to put their hand where the item once was, they must put the item back. If any player forgets to knock when the item is gone, grabs the item at the wrong time, or forgets to put the item down, they will have to drink. IF YOU’RE STILL CONFUSED LOOK UP “Konpira Funefune”
nic addicts drinks - if you smoke any device with nicotine, drink
peer pressure- the most sober player takes a drink
most likely to - the player who drew this card will be asked by another player “Who is most likely to...” and the player who drew the card will respond with another players name, they cannot choose themselves.
suck and blow - the player who drew the card will put a playing card to their mouth and suck on it. they will then, pass the card from their mouth to the player next to themes mouth by blowing, and the player receiving the card sucking on it. If the card falls, both players have to drink. The game doesn’t end until it goes in a full circle.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | June 24, 2020 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{}} |