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The Numerical Tarot 66 6th Edition

A New Tarot Paradigm!




I have drawn several tarot decks. Or... at least... what I call tarot decks. Because my decks do not have any 10s, some people think they shouldn't be called tarot. This current series of decks pushes that line even further by eliminating the Page and Knight from each suit. In discussing the design of tarot with other enthusiasts, I have found that many people struggle with determining the intended meaning of the court cards. Some apply seasons to them. Some apply astrology. In my previous decks I have my own elaborate method. But all along I have felt that the court cards were kind of superfluous, especially within the parameters of my unique deck design. With that in mind, I've always thought about making a simplified deck that only has a single male and female, or Yin and Yang influenced character in each suit. Because my pip cards only number to nine, that would result in a 44 card deck, with 11 cards in each suit. I thought about doing only that, with no Major Icons at all. But after realizing that my Major Influencer cards total 22, and that 22 + 44 = 66, I could not resist. And when I realized that the 11th month of the 22nd year was upon us, with me at age 66, I really could not resist. And so I birthed the first 11-22-44-66 tarot deck! Thank goodness as well, that this new artificial intelligence art creation technology came along to assist me in creating a deck with elaborately illustrated cards throughout. I have dreamed for a long time to find someone who could draw better than I could, to help me create a really good looking deck. Because of low finances, this is as close as I think I will ever get to realizing that dream. And if all goes well, more art will be generated to create more 66 card decks like this one.

If you are curious about the details of this new tarot paradigm you can visit my web site and find the links for the purchase my eBooks, or to go to my YouTube channel. Eventually I will add a video about this particular deck design. In the mean time, you can read this brief explanation.

The Numerical Tarot is a tarot deck unlike any other. First of all, it is NOT a clone of the Rider/Waite/Smith deck! It does NOT derive its card meanings from astrology, alchemy, qabalah or any other occult or new age sources. It is also not a deck of correspondences to other systems. It is not even based on traditional forms of numerology! It is in fact a completely new tarot paradigm! with an underlying structure all its own; a visual summation of ideas collected from a philosophical study of patterns in nature and the abstract nature of existence. The result is an underlying structure to the deck that is rooted in the binary nature of existence and the spectrums of possibilities that lie between every pair of opposites.

Actually, in some ways, this "new paradigm" is a very old paradigm. History tells us that Tarot evolved from older card game decks, which utilized a much more binary system of organization. Suits were considered to be diametrical opposites of ascending and descending value. Regular playing card decks of today utilize this idea of a logical array of numbers with opposing suits. In this way, The Numerical Tarot restores tarot to these playing card origins by accentuating the binary nature of the Minor Suits as seen at the time of tarot's emergence. Because of the influence of occultists trying to merge disparate and unrelated systems with tarot, and the influence of new age people who try to mitigate as much negativity out of the tarot as possible, this simple binary design has been completely lost from the tarot. The Numerical Tarot brings it back. In The Numerical Tarot, balance, symmetry, contrast and consistency reign supreme!

Did tarot start out as a logical array of ideas with contrasting opposites, and get corrupted by occult mysticism? Maybe. But don't worry, you will find that many of the card meanings in this deck are unchanged from that of occult tradition. While, at the same time, in applying a binary approach, there are a few others that have changed, in order to be more balanced, symmetrical, contrasting and consistent. A restoration?

In applying a binary approach, the Numerical Tarot makes some changes to the Major Influencer cards by establishing a "parent-to-child" relationship between each Major Influencer and corresponding cards in the Minor Suits. No other deck in the world makes this kind of connection! The combination of suits that are considered opposites to each other, and Major Influencer cards that are considered related, makes The Numerical Tarot much easier to learn than ordinary decks. If you are unsure of the meaning of one card, you can consult its opposite and work backwards. Every card has an opposite, and the reversed meaning for each card becomes the spectrum of possibilities between those extremes. It is very logical and straightforward and easy to learn.

There is a lot more I could say about this deck but the best thing to do would be to go to the web site that explains it all in detail:

There is no "little white book" for this deck. If you buy a copy, you can find pages of possible interpretations on the website mentioned, or download this 11x17 printout of keywords:

There is also no box with this deck. But... if you send me some kind of proof of purchase (whatever that might be), I would consider making a box for you. I will not promise that, but if I have the time, materials, space and tools, I will do my best to try and make you something and send it to you.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date May 10, 2023
Edition Sixth
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info The Numerical Tarot 66 6th Edition web site

Why buy this?

  • Logical, straightforward design that is easy to learn
  • Upright and reversed meanings on each card
  • Not a Rider/Waite clone!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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