The object is simple, but not easy! Be the first to finish your puzzle. Puzzle pieces are handed out and drawn, for each player to finish their puzzle. But watch out! Other players may steal your pieces!
This is a great puzzle game for all ages!
There are a total of four different puzzles in the card deck. Each puzzle has 9 cards. Players are dealt cards at the beginning of the game and each must determine which puzzle to make and begin to put the pieces together in turns.
Each turn players get 1 action. An action can be to pass a card, play a card into your puzzle, or play a Gimme card.
Special cards -Gimme: lets you steal a card from another player. When you take a card, you give them the 'Gimme' card.
-Wildcard: Play into your puzzle in place of missing pieces.
-The Dud: It's just that-a dud card. If you have the misfortune to have it, be sure to pass it on when the option presents itself.