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The Zoo & You

Find your way around this zoo!




A favorite for the kids is always the zoo. It usually turns out fun for the adults, too.
"The Zoo & You" is a simple game to learn and win. Strategically move through the zoo, seeing the animal exhibits.
You'll collect a card for each exhibit you visit, and learn an interesting fact.
Select which direction and choose your moves. Make sure you're not just going in circles.
Once you've seen all the exhibits, and learned all of the interesting facts, just find your way to the exit to win.
Each turn, you move your token either 1 space, or 2 spaces. Collect a card for each animal exhibit, collect them all, then exit. Remember, 1 or 2 spaces at a time.


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Average Rating 3 reviews
Publish Date August 01, 2011
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info The Zoo & You web site

Why buy this?

  • Don't just monkey around in this game.
  • Brings out the kid in you.
  • The way out is a different animal.

T&T Home Entertainment

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