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This IS Rocket Science

Collect rocket cards and combine them to get the exact values needed to reach new planets.




In This IS Rocket Science, players look to become the most prolific space explorer by landing on or orbiting planets. All game cards serve a dual purpose, acting as both the planets for scoring and the rocket fuel used to reach the planets.

On a turn players will draft cards from a central tableau or combine cards from their hands to reach exact target rocket fuel numbers to either land on or orbit a planet in the tableau. To score a planet, a player will discard cards from their hand and multiply the rocket fuel values together to hit the aforementioned target number. Some cards can also be discarded in order to add or subtract from the fuel value.

Overview & Review

Video corrections:
- When you Launch a Mission, place the scored card face down if you landed on the planet, and face up if you didn't.
- You take the Take a Rocket Card action even if you Launch a Mission that turn.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date July 20, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

Its basically an 18-card SciFi Point Salad.

  • Multi Use Cards
  • Quick Turns
  • Puzzly Gameplay

Game Garnish

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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