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Travelog Spain

Explore Spain as a travel writer




In Travelog Spain, you are a travel writer exploring Spain, journaling your experiences for a new travel guide.  Travelog Publishing has flown you to Madrid and given you two weeks to provide a manuscript for a lucrative publishing contract. Its editors have requests they recommend you include in your book.  

But you are not alone. Travelog has invited other writers to Madrid and will award the contract to the writer whose travels and manuscript are the most impressive. During their interview, writers were given unique ideas for making their book stand-out, with editors providing new requests throughout the week. With every city you visit and manuscript entry you make, you earn recognition points. You must carefully plan your travels, keep an eye on fellow writers, and include entries that make your manuscript its best before time runs out.

Writers start in Madrid, have personal manuscripts and use phrase cards to create manuscript entries.  On each turn, writers decide which entries to include in their manuscript, if they want to satisfy requests, and where to go next. 

Writers earn bonus recognition points for describing and giving directions to must-see sites and for including translations of common travel questions. Being the first to arrive and describe a city also gives you an advantage.  Each city you visit presents new opportunities. It's your manuscript and up to you to decide where to visit and what to include before the deadline hits.

Your Manuscript

Your manuscript allows you to share unique ideas for making your travel guide stand-out.


Create Manuscript Entries

With over 160 phrases you can create millions of different manuscript entries.


Explore Spain

When you visit a historic city in Spain, you earn the city's key that unlocks its "must-see" attractions. As you travel, you'll learn about Spain's unique treasures - their many UNESCO World Heritage sites.


It's Competitive!

You decide where to go, what to say about each city, and how to include editor recommendations in your manuscript. If you are the first to mention key travel concepts and cities you'll earn even more recognition points from Travelog staff. It's a good idea to keep an eye on fellow writers to know if your travel route and entries will be the most unique and impressive.


Fun Way to Learn Conversational Spanish

The game introduces you to common Spanish travel phrases. Earn bonus points for properly translating these common words and phrases. It's a fun and easy way to learn conversational Spanish.


Travelog Spain was also designed to be played by Spanish speakers wanting to learn English. Each card's use of intuitive icons with translations between English and Spanish make the game a fun way to learn about Spanish culture and its language.

It's Strategic

With 6 ways to earn points, you have plenty of creative winnning options. You'll have fun planning your trip, picking the cities and sites you want to visit, and scheming to stay ahead of the competition so your travels and manuscript are the most impressive!


See The Handsome 3D Box

The box looks like a handsome leather bound travel guide to Spain. It is an attractive side table or bookshelf addition.

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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 25, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Travelog Spain web site

Why buy this?

  • Learn conversational Spanish
  • Featuring Spain’s UNESCO World Heritage sites
  • Each city you visit presents new opportunities


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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